Sunday, May 8, 2011


Actually it was a dark and stormy day. Snowstorm to be exact. Back to back snowstorms

We were stuck inside with this.

While looking outside at this.

Which resulted in pictures that looked like this.

And this.

But the good news is: we were well fortified.

And well-supplied with a kerosene heater and extra kerosene by my wonderful father. This was just in case we lost power, which we didn't. In case you wanted to know. I had also pulled the snow shovels out of the shed so that I could neurotically clear off the deck at regular intervals. 

Back to the story at hand. Exactly what story you ask? You weren't even aware that you were reading a story. You probably just thought I was posting pictures to make you long for a week cooped up inside while Mother Nature unloads it's fury on the world outside. Well, you were wrong this is the story of how we named Bucklebury's. And it has nothing to do with the fact that Kate Middleton hails from the town of Bucklebury, England.

Rachael was madly bringing these into existence   

When she wasn't doing this 
(digging through two feet of snow and yes, i did help)

I gave Rachael a book on making stuffed animals for Christmas. She loved it and we proceeded to make one for every single expectant and unexpectant mother in our known vicinity. At the time, she was working on a rather cantankerous sewing machine that my father had located on one of his random adventures. We decided that we needed to set up an Etsy shop since we were certain they would fly off our digital shelves. I suggested that our shop needed to sound like quant English shop. Rachael readily agreed. We went on a name hunt. For some reason, I recall that I was sitting on the floor in front of the television. I'm not sure why since I have plenty of comfortable seating in the living room. Apparently, that position was conducive to good brain-storming. Somehow I managed to begin perusing various names used in Lord of the Rings. The trilogy happens to be a bit of an obsession between the two of us although we don't go so far as to dress in character every time we watch the movies. So, there I sat. On the floor. In front of the TV. When a lightening bolt struck. Figurative, of course. Although considering the weather conditions I wouldn't have been surprised if God had thrown in a random thunderstorm for giggles and kicks. Just to keep me on my toes. I hate thunderstorms by the way but that's another story. I ran into the Bucklebury's name and came to a crashing halt. I blurted the name out to Rachael. She liked it. And "it" was decided to be Bucklebury's. 

In the case that you have a compelling urge to know, the name appears in The Fellowship of the Rings toward the beginning when the hobbits are running from the ring wraiths. In order to meet Gandolf at the Prancing Pony they must cross a river on a ferry. That ferry just so happens to be named Bucklebury. 

It has nothing to do with Kate Middleton. 

I repeat.


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